:Why have a website?

Author: Mat L.
Date: 2020-04-10

In this times of extreme uncertainty, it helps to have a project. I am fortunate enough to be able to work from home, and I know that not everyone has this same privilege. Here I would like to extend my gratitude for and solidarity with the healthcare/essential workers who are risking their lives. Without them, weathering this pandemic would be impossible. While the battle outside continues, many of us are adjusting to social distancing.

In order to help those on the frontlines, we have to comply with these guidlines. For many of us, the lack of social contact is difficult, and finding things to keep ourselves occupied with is also difficult. This site is my COVID-19 project. It is here to keep me busy while the pandemic roars on. In addition, these blogs will chronical the different projects I plan to under take while I'm stuck inside, and if any seem interesting to you, please try them out, expand upon them, or even impove them. I plan on updating these blogs sporadically so stay posted.

Here are some projects I've already started:

  1. Setting up an in-home server
  2. Creating a network-wide ad blocker with pi-hole
  3. Some Nature photography (see Photography)
  4. Some bash scripts to make life on Linux easier
  5. Home Cooked Meals

So stay heathy, and I will see you next time!

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